Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Not Quite Like This Before

Ok, most of my followers (LOL) know that I took a trip to Mexico from the 14th-21st in the state of Jalisco in the town my family is from: beautiful Barra de Navidad.

I didn't miss a beat when I arrived tho. Soon as I got back, started handlin' business & got back into it (workin').

When I walked into my place tho, I was filled with happiness. Before me, were stockings hung up, Christmas decorations everywhere, pictures of my brothers, mom, son & myself in frames arranged neatly w/a slight diagonal look. And the tree.

Oh, behold. The Christmas tree.

Couldn't believe my eyes. Couldn't believe this was what was waiting for me. My spirit was out of control! I hadn't seen & felt this in years. Family sounded so great & I was incredibly grateful!

Although I will be working today and won't be getting home til about 3:10am (Christmas Day) & will be working tomorrow afternoon until the 26th I feel good. Thank God I'm working.

With that said, Merry Christmas Eve everybody!

And if you don't have the Christmas/Holiday spirit, then celebrate Festivus.. For the rest of us.

It's a win-win. Ha.

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