Monday, September 29, 2008


My alarm woke me at 7AM this morning. Minutes later, this loud forceful sound came through. Lightning McQue- haha no um, just thunder. It was sooo loud. A car alarm went off and when I looked next to me I saw a young pair of eyes. Andrew was ready for the day. I was going to take my brother to school but now that Andrew was awake he was coming along as well.

Few minutes later, Andrew and I opened the door and we heard thunder AND saw lightning this time. As we were looking outside, at the bright day, we heard what sounded like rushing waves crashing down ashore. It was hard rain coming down. And lots of it. I couldn't believe it. First time I ever see that happen. Where it looks like a nice dry day [w/o the lightning/thunder] and then as I'm staring out rain comes along. It was absolutely amazing.

So we ran to the car and after we dropped my brother off and came back two rainbows were out. I told Andrew what they were and he started saying, "Rayyn-Bo!"

The End.

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